For many reasons it can be challenging to take your furry best friends out for their much needed exercise. Price includes a 30 minute neighborhood walk. we also offer 45 minute and 60 minute walks at an additional rate.
We use the state of the art "Wysiwash" deodorizing and sanitizing system to remove the germs and smell in your yard. this system is pet and plant friendly.
For residential neighbors who prefer waste to be removed from property entirely, and not left in your waste bin, we offer eco-friendly waste removal.
Do your trash cans need to be taken to the curb? We are happy to handle that for you! Price is for up to 3 bins.
When you choose to scoop between our visits, use our convenient backyard bucket for your deposits. On scooping days, we will not only scoop your yard, but also empty, clean and deoderize your scoop bucket.